Australian Healthcare Associates (AHA) are a high-performance management consultancy based in Bourke Street Melbourne. They are built specifically to help federal and state governments achieve their health and human services goals.
When it came time for an office revamp, AHA reached out to Metra Aus requesting a smart locker solution where their team can access their lockers via a Mobile App.

Two banks of lockers were installed in the office with a total of 71 centralised electronic locks. A Metra Display and a central reader with HID technology and Bluetooth was installed as an extra option for access card holders, as well as allowing Master Card functionality. But going mobile was paramount for AHA, and so MyMetraKey (MMK) has proved the perfect solution for staff.

The MyMetraLockers Software is used to assign permanent lockers to staff, while casual users can also use MMK to hire a locker for the day. Notifications from both MML & MMK can also alert staff if they left their locker door open, their locker hire is about to expire, or when the locker was just serviced

“With most staff now using the mobile phones to access the office, MyMetraKey was the perfect solution for staff to access lockers. It’s simple and straightforward to use, and the MyMetraLockers software allows us to remotely control the lockers, and review usage patterns”
– Alex Papa, IT Security and Support Lead