Metra Australia’s hardwired locker locks are easy to use and manage. Our web-based locker management software offers a real-time audit trail, reports, and the possibility to assign lockers from mobile devices. The locking solution is hardwired, does not use batteries, and is extremely environmentally friendly. It streamlines locker management, reduces ongoing operational costs, and is the ideal locker lock for fitness club changing rooms, end of trip facilities, or the modern office environment.

Are hardwired locks actually more expensive than battery-powered locks?

The perception in the marketplace tends to lean towards yes, that hardwired locks are more expensive. But whilst looking at the lifespan of the locks, and the required ongoing maintenance and replacement, you will quickly learn that hardwired locks can actually be less expensive than battery-powered locks.

As we also look to address environmental and climate considerations it is a business’s responsibility to take these concerns into account in all aspects of business, including minimizing their own ecological footprint. A facility with 1,000 lockers would require approximately 3000 batteries to run.  That is approx 70kg in batteries that would need to be replaced and properly disposed of annually.

How long would it take to actually replace all of those batteries?

Let’s break this down: Each lock has screws holding on cover plates to protect a total of 3 -4 batteries — so it is safe to assume 2 – 3 mins per lock to change the batteries.


For 1,000 locks

At the low end, we are talking roughly 2,000 minutes,

On the high side of our experience, 3,000 minutes.


33 hours – 50 hours

of labour time alone to replace 3,000 – 4,000 batteries


In summary, by considering the time taken to replace the batteries, the associated cost with new batteries (some battery locks on the market will have proprietary batteries in them that are only sold by the lock manufacturer) and labour, as well as disposal on the old batteries, all on a yearly basis – the move to hardwired locking solutions is a great business decision.

Call Metra today to discuss how a networked operating system can improve your business 1300 METRAAUS


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